- 072-2355343, 054-2105898
- Ha-Tikva St 16-68, 17th Floor, Beer Sheva
- machon.eco@gmail.com
Offers & Events

Discounts to buying hearing aidsHealth insurance Meyuhedet.
The client pays only personal participation after the discount of the health insurance fund. The cost depends on the level of the hearing aid. Discount is provided for two vehicles every 3.5 years.

Discounts to buying hearing aidsHealth insurance Leumit
Members of the "Leumit" cash desk receive discounts in accordance with the rates of the cashier and the type of insurance - silver or gold. Payment is made in the offices of the health insurance fund.

Discounts to buying hearing aids Rehabilitation Branch For disabled Army defense of Israel, recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Defense will be provided with the apparatus and billed rehabilitation department. Ministry of Health (Children). Children up to age 18 are entitled to return every three years to 3500 NIS. each hearing aid. To return to the Ministry of Health a written recommendation of a physician otolorengologa on hearing aids, hearing test, a receipt (original) on payment for hearing aids. For the system of FM back to 5500 NIS. For disabled Army defense of Israel, recognized by the Ministry of Defense of Israel are injured as a hearing will be granted a hearing aid in accordance with the contract. As usual, the victims of the Holocaust and the socially disadvantaged, will refund the amount.

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Contact Us
- 072-2355343, 054-2105898
- Ha-Tikva St 16-68, 17th Floor, Beer Sheva
- machon.eco@gmail.com